Share your story

InReach & GLAAD #TransMascFutures logo
InReach is partnering with GLAAD to organize #TransMascFutures. This trans-led digital campaign aims to showcase positive stories from the diverse trans masculine community and increase access to safe, verified resources through the InReach App. The #TransMascFutures Campaign launched on June 7th, 2023. Submit this form to add your story to the campaign website.
Haz clic aquí para la versión en español de la encuesta.
Participant eligiblity critera:
  • You are a trans man or a trans masculine person
  • You are 21 years old or over
  • You are currently living anywhere in the United States
You verify that the following is true (check all that apply):
I consent to having my submission shared by InReach via
Character drawings by Joey Borrelli.
Haz clic aquí para cambiar a español.